Leadership Summits in the Regions

This year leadership summits have been held in Fort Portal, West Nile, Mbarara, Rwenzori, and Eastern and Northern regions. However, the leadership summit in the Northern region was astounding. It happened on the 26th and 27th of October at the Jerusalem Institute of Health Science. The conference had over 200 students from CUs around the region some of whom are new leaders.
Many students’ lives were touched and they highly appreciated the value for the
conference and promised to be exemplary leaders in their communities.

We had associates from all walks of life handling topics of influence. We had a
Reverend, civil servant, doctor, engineer and professor. They handled
topics like character building, unity, diversity, servant leadership and sexual
Mr. Peter Okello Epilla, Deputy Chief Administration Officer Amolatar district is one of the outstanding associates. He handled unity in diversity. He called upon believers to come together and fight the enemy because the enemy is so united in fighting the body of Christ.
Mr. Enoch Kajuna Training Secretary Gulu discussed balancing academics and ministry at school. He advised students to always have a purpose in life, be the lead, keep time and learn to work beyond normal. He encouraged students to use the same zeal they use in ministry for academics and always prioritize there time.
Dr. Drake Adupa senior gynecologist shared on sexual purity. He told leaders to always manage themselves before managing others and know that purity grants them the moral authority in handling sexual matters among the people they are leading.

Mr. James Adima: He shared on how to deal with difficult people especially ourselves. He asked people to always understand others before making decisions on the issues at hand because different people have different personalities and interests.

Engineer Anthony Okucu shared on transitional leadership. He advised student leaders to always prepare others for leadership since leadership is not permanent. According to him, leaders are measured by the quality of people left behind after a leadership regime. So, they ought to mentor others in the work of the Ministry as well.

Rev Lonsome Etume Akezi handled using bible study as a tool of discipleship; Bishop James Ekalu Ekwang shared on character building while Professor Edward Ojuka Lira University discussed servant leadership.