a) Annual Membership Subscription

Any person who aspires to become as Associate member of FOCUS shall be required to fill in an appropriate membership application form through his/her Associates Branch or the FOCUS Secretariat. Membership fees are in two categories, that is Ugx.50,000 (0-5 years after campus) and Ugx.100,000 (5 years and above after campus).

b) Lifetime Membership Subscription

This is a onetime membership subscription for a lifetime
It is simple, fill out a life membership form and pay one million Uganda shillings Life membership is in 3 categories:

Silver- Ugx.1,000,000; Gold – Ugx. 2,000,000  or Platinum – Ugx. 5,000,000.

Associate Members Responsibilities
Participate in FOCUS activities either at the Associates Branch, the National level or both.
Renew their membership annually or as determined by the National Governing Council except life members.
Associates are expected to support FOCUS work financially.

Associate members shall be entitled to:
Participate in all the activities of FOCUS.
Shall be eligible to hold office.
Shall be entitled to vote at FOCUS General Meetings.
To inspect books of accounts of FOCUS.

All Associate members shall be required to fulfill membership commitments and obligations as set out from time to time by the NGC and ratified by the AGM.

To apply for Associates Life Membership. Please reach us through the contact form below or the contact details Listed down below:

+256 788582852